The Women in STEM Conference - DADA STEM

Annual Women in STEM Conference

The gender gap in STEM spaces is an issue that continues to plague the world. A 2023 MIT study revealed that only 28% of the STEM workforce comprised women. This parity is even more notable in developing countries, where societal stereotypes continue to limit women’s access to education and STEM fields.
Bridging this gender gap is not only essential in promoting gender inclusivity but it also has a positive impact on the world economically and technologically. With more women working in STEM spaces, we can look forward to sustainable technological solutions and can tap more into the potential of the STEM industry.
DADA STEM plays its part by organizing an annual Women in STEM Conference that reviews challenges facing women in this sector and how all stakeholders (regardless of gender) can have a hand in overturning this situation to benefit the world at large.

Women make up only 28% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)

Breaking Down the Women in STEM Conference

While many women have a passion for STEM spaces and possess the skills needed to further innovation in these fields, they often get shut out due to factors beyond their control. Most of the limiting factors come down to social stereotypes (many people think that STEM fields are for men), underrepresentation of women in STEM spaces (girls are unable to envision themselves in STEM positions as they have not seen many people like them in those spaces), the perceived complexity (STEM fields may seem daunting to women who would like to have families and serve other social roles) and unconscious bias (organizations may fail to hire or educate women in STEM fields as they may not think of them as potential candidates).

At DADA STEM, we understand that these and other challenges may lock great STEM candidates out of these spaces. We thus hold an annual conference where we invite young women aged 18 to 35 to be part of conversations with experienced professionals in STEM spaces. These professionals are men and women who have a deep understanding of what can be done to include women in these spaces.


The event has three main categories: the speaker session, the panel session, and the STEM DADAS graduation.
The speaker session allows STEM professionals to talk about emerging trends in STEM spaces which young women can take advantage of – the speaker engages the audience for about an hour, after which the attendees can ask questions pertaining to the topic.
The panel session is a more interactive part of the event where STEM professionals take the stage in a somewhat round table discussion where they discuss issues affecting women in STEM. They all get to share their ideas and strategies they have implemented, and the audience also gets to ask questions and contribute to the discussion.
We finish the event with a STEM DADAs graduation, where our mentees and mentors from the previous cohort receive honors and certificates for having been part of the mentorship program.
Throughout the one-day event, the focus revolves around the following STEM issues:

  • How more young women (15-35) can join STEM spaces
  • How to create inclusive STEM spaces (not just gender-wise)
  • How we can encourage more STEM mentorship
  • How to nurture more STEM talent, e.g., training
  • How to address barriers to STEM spaces, e.g., unconscious bias
  • How to help women balance STEM careers and social roles

DADA STEM has held 4 such annual conferences and the reviews have been positive. So great was the feedback that it spearheaded the launching of two of our programs. 

The first is the STEM DADAS Program which links mentors (experienced professionals in STEM fields) to mentees (young women and students in STEM spaces), allowing the mentees to gain insights from their much more experienced counterparts. The program falls in line with one of our focal points (encouraging STEM mentorship) and has had two successful cohorts, with the third one expected to graduate in our 2024 conference.

The second is our Women in STEM Network which provides space for women in STEM to interact and share ideas on how they can improve these spaces, address upcoming challenges, and encourage more women to be part of these lucrative fields. We currently run this program via social media and will be adding it to the website soon.

Be part of our next Women in STEM Conference and get to be part of this much-needed change in STEM spaces. Whether you are a young woman in STEM, an experienced professional, or a woman who just wants to be more active in these spaces, we have a seat for you!