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What We Do

Our Main Programs

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Kids Coding Classes

Giving your child a head start in the digital world with coding skills

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Annual STEM Conference

Interact with women in STEM spaces and explore STEM opportunities

The Women in STEM Conference - DADA STEM

The STEM DADAS Program

Push for more women in STEM by becoming a mentor or mentee


We Are Bridging the STEM Gender Gap

DADA STEM is a social enterprise that focuses on SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 5: Gender Equality and SDG 8: Decent work and Economic Growth. 

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Talk to Us

Do you have questions about a DADA STEM program? Use the form below to communicate with our team and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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    Get to Know Us

    Explore Our Programs

    Our annual Women in STEM conference brings together women and men to discuss issues affecting women in STEM and explore opportunities that can bridge the STEM gender gap.

    This interactive event features speaker and panelist sessions where attendees get to learn more about STEM spaces, talk about issues affecting them, and network with professionals in STEM fields.

    The STEM Dadas Program links students and young professionals in STEM spaces to experienced STEM professionals who can guide them on their career paths.

    The program follows a guided approach over seven months, after which mentees graduate from the program during the annual Women in STEM Conference.

    Our kids coding program caters to children aged 6 to 13 who wish to learn how to code. We offer this program in two prongs.

    The first is the online program where children can sign up for sessions with our coding specialists per the available slots. The second is our Watoto Tucode program which takes place over the holidays.

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    Don't Miss Out

    Upcoming DADA STEM Events

    22 Apr

    Kids Coding Week

    • 8:00am - 5:00pm
    • Tharaka Nithi County

    To Check Out All The Scheduled DADA STEM Events, Click Here

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    Meet Our Team

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    Courses Available

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